Lhasa: 1972-2010
(too old to reply)
2010-01-10 14:04:45 UTC
Here's some sad news:

Lhasa de Sela, usually known professionally as just Lhasa, died in
Montreal of breast cancer on Jan. 1 of this year. She'd be best known
to members of this group for her song that plays at the end of the "DS"
episode "Strange Bedfellows" when Ray is brooding about Stella.

Ed Wilson
-- Reality is not enough; we need nonsense, too. Drifting into a world
of fantasy is not an escape from reality but a significant education
about the nature of life. And reality is not an escape from nonsense.
Our education goes on everywhere. - Edmund Miller
-- For the best in misanthropic rantings, visit Cottsweb:
-- Stories and essays in prose, scripts, video, comics and audio; it's
Fishclock: http://fishclock.ca/
-- Gayleen Froese, Writing and Music: http://www.gayleenfroese.com/
Patty Winter
2010-01-10 18:16:03 UTC
Post by longshanks
Lhasa de Sela, usually known professionally as just Lhasa, died in
Montreal of breast cancer on Jan. 1 of this year. She'd be best known
to members of this group for her song that plays at the end of the "DS"
episode "Strange Bedfellows" when Ray is brooding about Stella.
You know, I just ran across that information the other day and
forgot to mention it here. Thanks for doing so, Ed.

Here's the story I spotted on the NPR website:


It's just under four minutes.


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