Post by Patty WinterPost by Patty WinterLike it says in the Subject line...
eTalk will have a segment about "Passchendaele" tomorrow.
So did they have that segment today? I found this interview
Yup, they had the segment. They showed the film crew and the cast
making the movie on their outdoor location. They showed Paul and some
other guys in World War One uniforms in a muddy hole filled with water,
getting ready to attack. Paul talked about how the first scene in the
movie is the story his grandfather told him (bayonetting the German
soldier). They also had clips of actress Caroline Dhavernas (she was
the star of "Wonderfalls"); I don't see her name on the page
for "Passchendaele" but I assume she's in it or why would they be
talking to her.
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