That Canadian thing
(too old to reply)
2008-09-30 05:00:28 UTC
Well, I didn't watch any episodes of the show "Life" last season and I
probably won't watch any more this season (even though it looks
interesting, I just can't watch everything), but I did see the Season 2
premiere this evening, and they had something that was both funny and

A murder victim was from Canada (the show is set in Los Angeles). The
cops are interviewing someone who knew her, and he says (paraphrasing),
"She did that Canadian thing."

"What thing?"

"You know -- happy for no reason."

I'm not sure what that means, but there it is.

Ed Wilson
-- Reality is not enough; we need nonsense, too. Drifting into a world
of fantasy is not an escape from reality but a significant education
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Patty Winter
2008-09-30 05:51:14 UTC
Post by longshanks
"She did that Canadian thing."
"What thing?"
"You know -- happy for no reason."
Yeah, that was cute. :-)
Post by longshanks
I'm not sure what that means, but there it is.
Well, I think it's an extension of the notion that you folks
are more polite than we are. Polite, easygoing, happy--all
like that.

